
south mountain

a few weeks ago (and i'm just getting to this... epic fail) our church participated in the american cancer society 5 mile hike to conquer cancer up south mountain. i'm so proud of myself that i did it AND didn't collapse in the process! i've included just a few scenery pictures, but if you are interested in the documentation of human struggle and whining then i suggest you check out my latest facebook album. i can't take credit for this first picture entirely, jenel forced me to stop and take it and i'm pretty glad i did! it's probably hard to see the seguaro cactus in the background but it was pretty awesome to see in person! it made that "1" mile hike down the backside of the mountain a little more bearable... or 3 mile hike, whichever.

in the next picture you can see the city of phoenix in the distance, the sky scrapers look so small from that height and distance.

the desert has so much beauty... i'll be sad to leave it for my next journey of graduate school this fall.

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